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  • Writer's pictureDarren Martin

Becoming a member of the United Kingdom Obstacle Sports Federation (UKOSF)

All sports in the world have governing body's, brands, volunteers, teams and training venues. Most sports even have specific coaches, qualifications and accreditation.

Sport in its simplest term is something that you do to keep active, running, weightlifting, even walking is a sport. But all these amazing opportunities we have to stay active can't happen without volunteers, funding and a community of like minded people looking to make positive change.

The positive change you see today from your local football pitch, skatepark, basketball court and even the trails we see in the woods cannot be achieved if they don't have funding or country wide recognition by Sport England, Sport Northern Ireland, Sport Scotland and Sport Wales

Funding plus sporting recognition is what helps these sports become successful and also help sports to be recognised at Olympic level. The main goal for Obstacle Sports is to increase participation and become recognised, but on a global level it needs more countries to recognise the sport to have a chance one day appearing in the Olympics with varying disciplines to compete in.

Tough Mudder, Spartan Race and Ninja Warrior on the TV all represent a form of Obstacle Sport. The United Kingdom Obstacle Sport Federation is an independent federation put in place to govern Obstacle Sports and Ninja within the UK. What may surprise you specially with obstacle sport brands such as Spartan Race and Tough Mudder is the fact that Obstacle Sport is not recognised in the United Kingdom. It is therefore a physical endeavour without the benefits that come from becoming part of Sport England, Sport Northern Ireland, Sport Scotland and Sport Wales

All local ninja warrior park's and obstacle course gyms are privately run by passionate individual's doing what they love to get people more active and enjoying a new sport.

Why should I become a member??

Every sport has a form of membership, even your gym has a membership. It all comes with different levels of positive change and services, you're paying to become part of a community and looking for that community to support or award you for your loyalty.

You don't need to be a professional athlete or attend an obstacle gym on a regular basis. By becoming a member of the community you could be supporting a husband, a friend or son and helping Obstacle Sports to make a positive impact on people's lives.

Without reaching a given level of membership Obstacle Sports cannot become a recognised sport in the UK, but why become recognised?

  • To create more local competitions and training venues

  • Funding allowance to maintain its infrastructure and governing body

  • Creation of more competitions including a UK championships to promote more talent in the UK

  • More publicity to increase participation in the sport

  • Increase local engagement to education and raise awareness of the sport

  • Accredited coaches in Obstacle Sports leading the way in coaching and developing the sport

  • Online accreditation to educate personal trainers on the requirements of OCR so your local gym can prepare you for your local mud run

  • Governance and representation of all athletes in the sport

  • Development of clear legislation and safeguarding measures

  • Discounts and membership competitions

  • Supports the potential broadcasting of races

  • Greater partnerships with other sports within the UK and the rest of the world

  • Standardisation of marshalling, rulings, information and course health and safety

  • Support of local races and the potential formation of more local races around the UK

There are so many more reasons to join and become a member but more importantly; It costs less than a meal for two at McDonald's

£10 for adult per year

£5 for child per year

Become a Member

I would love it for anyone to read this and to have more of an idea of what the United Kingdom Obstacle Sports Federation is and what it can do for the sport.

If you're thinking of getting your kids into the sport, trying out an obstacle gym or signing up for a local mud run to keep yourself motivated then please, please sign up as a member.

On a more personal note I am an athlete in the sport and want to represent the UK at a World Championship level and the recognition of the sport will only be a positive thing for my training, competitive environment and the ability to race against the best people in the UK.

Last year the UKOSF ran their first independent time trial event with the support of obstacle venues around the UK. The event was so successful with a Northern and Southern finals. The video below is just a taste of the type of event the obstacle gyms, volunteers, coaches, marshals, videographers and broadcasters within the sport can do, so for these types of events to become a regular thing, please become a member.

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